Python: build extension module against library in non-standard path ################################################################### I just installed a library (with a ``.so`` and a ``.h``) in a custom ``$PREFIX`` (eg, ``$HOME/.local`` or ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``). Use this to pass custom ``-I`` and ``-L`` flags to the compiler:: python build_ext -I $PREFIX/include -L $PREFIX/lib install Using virtualenv ================ If you're using virtualenv (you should!), you can do the whole build of the library + python bindings with something like this: .. code-block:: bash cd /path/to/library-dir/ ./configure --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV" make && make install cd /path/to/python-module-dir/ python build_ext \ -I "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/include/ \ -L "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/lib/ \ -R "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/lib/ \ install The trick here is to use ``-I`` to tell te compiler where to look for header files, ``-L`` to tell the linker where to find libraries and ``-R`` to tell the linker where to search for libraries at runtime:: --include-dirs (-I) list of directories to search for header files (separated by ':') --library-dirs (-L) directories to search for external C libraries (separated by ':') --rpath (-R) directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime (from ``python build_ext --help``) Example: kyotocabinet ===================== As a real-world use-case example, I used this method to install `Kyoto Cabinet`_ inside a virtualenv. .. _Kyoto Cabinet: This is the complete procedure I followed: .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/tmp cd "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/tmp wget tar xzvf kyotocabinet-1.2.76.tar.gz cd kyotocabinet-1.2.76/ ./configure --prefix="$VIRTUAL_ENV" make make install cd "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/tmp wget tar xzvf kyotocabinet-python-legacy-1.18.tar.gz cd kyotocabinet-python-legacy-1.18/ python build_ext \ -I "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/include/ -L "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/lib/ \ -R "$VIRTUAL_ENV"/lib/ install **todo:** put all this in the for the extension module, as eg. pyzmq does