Linux: getting e-mail notification on user loginΒΆ

Maybe I am a bit paranoid, but I want to know in real-time who logs into and from which address to all my publicly-reachable machines.

Since logging that to file is too much insecure (if one gets the control of the machine, he can delete every file he wants..) I wrote this script that sends me an alert e-mail each time a user logs in.

It uses mutt to compose an e-mail and attaches the output of some commands that give an idea of the current system status.

Here it is the source code:


## Login notification script
## 2009-11-20 00:28 Samuele ~redShadow~ Santi
## Under GPL

## Place it into /etc/profile or /root/.profile to send an e-mail on user login.
##  - uses mutt to send e-mail
##  - sends the output of some commands as attachments:
##    - netstat (connections/servers)
##    - iptables (firewall configuration)
##    - ps (processes list)
##    - who (logged in users + hostnames)
##  - of course, you need a configured MTA/smtp server in order to send emails.

# --- Configuration ----------------------------------------------------

NOTIFY_ADDR="MyUser <[email protected]>"
FROM_ADDR="Login Notify <[email protected]>"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

LOG_USER="$( whoami )"
LOG_DATE="$( date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )"
OUT_WHO="$( who )"

netstat -lnp > /tmp/netstat-listen
netstat -np > /tmp/netstat
ps afux > /tmp/processes
who > /tmp/who
echo "--- Iptables: list rules"
iptables -L
echo "--- Iptables: show rules"
iptables -S
) > /tmp/iptables-conf

cat <<EOF

Host:   $(hostname)
User:   ${LOG_USER}
Date:   ${LOG_DATE}
Uptime: $(uptime)

--- Logged in users ----------------------------------------------------

Attaching other relevant system data.

) | /usr/bin/mutt -s "[LOGIN-NOTIFY] $(hostname) Login of ${LOG_USER} on ${LOG_DATE}" \
  -e "my_hdr From: ${FROM_ADDR}" \
  -a /tmp/netstat-listen -a /tmp/netstat -a /tmp/processes -a /tmp/who -a /tmp/iptables-conf \

rm /tmp/netstat-listen /tmp/netstat /tmp/processes /tmp/who /tmp/iptables-conf

Of course, you can modify which commands are run, where to log them and which files you want to be attached to the e-mail. Or you can add more commands output between the two EOF, to include their output in the message body.

Once placed the script somewhere, add it to a file executed on user login, such as ~/.profile or /etc/profile.

You’ll also of course need a configured and working mailserver, in order to send e-mails..

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